Syndicat international
des vignerons en culture bio-dynamique

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Domaine Olivier Pithon

" I never asked myself the question about the way I'd work the soils, for me it's impossible to work without love and respect. You can't talk about respect when you put poisonous products on your vines."

Fiche technique du domaine

Winegrowers/ Olivier PITHON
Domaine Olivier Pithon
19 route d'Estagel
66600 CALCE

Tél/Fax +33 (0)

Instagram : @Pithon.Olivier
Region/ Languedoc-Roussillon
Appelation/ Roussillon
Entry date SIVCBD/ 2010
Biodyvin's Label/ Biodyvin certified
Code Adhérent/ 68

Presentation of the domain and its history

Under Jacques Mell's (biodynamics counsellor) drive and since 2010, we apply those technics rigorously, it helped us understand and apply better this technic based on common sense and sensibility.
Today I know my vines and soils better. Being the closest to the vines allowq me to make wines that are more sensitive.

The vineyard

Calce is a unique place between the Mediterranean Sea, the Pyrénnées and the Corbières. Our vineyards are located at around 300 meters high, and our vines are extremely rich region :
- Soils : Marnes, Schists and Limestone
- White grapes : Marcabeu, Grenache Gris and Blanc
- Red grapes : Carignan, Grenache Noir and Mourvèdre

The winemaker's philosophy

I began liking biodynamics by tasting. When you taste lots of wines and the ones you prefer are biodynamic ones, it worth guessing "why ?". After lots of talks and drinks, I finally started.
This Agriculture method is an extension of the Biological Agriculture but Dynamic this time. Basic principles similar to the ones used in Homeopathy are used in dilutions and dynamization. For me it's a way to express my soils and the potential of my vineyards even better. I've spent 10 years giving back life to soils that the previous generation had killed. Nowadays our soils are alive and expressive, and biodynamic is here to make them shine even more.
Like in the bio culture, biodynamic is a tool and not at all a guarantee of quality, there are also biodynamic wines I don't like...
En images
To locate the vineyard

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