Syndicat international
des vignerons en culture bio-dynamique

Our members

Created in 1995, the SIVCBD currently brings together 215 wine estates throughout mainly France, but also in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Moldova, Portugal and Swizzerland representing a total vineyard area near 5200 ha. The SIVCBD is a union of winegrowers who apply biodynamic techniques throughout their property, and have received Biodyvin approval.

Fiche technique du domaine

Winegrowers/ Denise et Stephen Adams
Château l'Enclos
20 rue du Grand Moulinet
33500 Pomerol
Tel : 05 57 74 80 51
Region/ Bordeaux
Appelation/ Bordeaux
Entry date SIVCBD/ 2022
Biodyvin's Label/ Converting to Biodyvin
Code Adhérent/ 231
To locate the vineyard

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