Syndicat international
des vignerons en culture bio-dynamique
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Our Philosophy

All of the SIVCBD's members apply biodynamic practices in order to preserve the fertility of the soil, to allow the vines to flourish in a well-preserved terroir, to let animal and plant life resume its place in the vineyard, and to protect the environment; in this way the wines produced are able to give full expression to the terroir and their quality is optimized.
Adopting a biodynamic approach in viticulture requires an in-depth understanding of the founding principles of biodynamic farming, and then the ability to interpret these principles and apply them in the vineyard.

A wine producing property will have to accept and carry out radical changes that often require help and outside advice, especially if the transition is made after a long period of conventional agriculture.

Many properties have become familiar with biodynamic principles and applied them throughout their vineyards thanks to François Bouchet, a winegrower from the Loire who has become a biodynamic consultant.


Author: François Bouchet
191 pages - Publisher Deux Versants
ISBN : 978-2-9515395-8-7
Contact Biodyvin